Randall Pros
Randall Pros
Looking For A Respectable Contractor?
As you decide to remodel or make improvements to your home,
finding professional contractors you can trust and rely on with those projects
can be quite the challenge.
Randall Brothers helps connect you with local contractors who are experienced,
professional, and quality-driven, to help with your project needs from start to
To that end, every contractor on Randall Pros has been screened by us to ensure
they are licensed (where applicable) and insured.
In addition, before a contractor can be listed with us, they are required to
meet certain additional criteria and maintain a high level of professionalism.
To be Listed on Randall Pros, contractors must have:
(When Required By The State)

Disclaimer of Liability for Contractor Listings:
Randall Brothers, LLC (Randall Pros) provides contractor listings with project photos on its website as a service to the consumer and to assist contractors who buy materials from us. Prior to listing any contractor, Randall Pros verifies that the contractor has a minimum 1+ year business license (which matches their business address), as well as a contractor's license (if required - as issued by the Secretary of State), $1M General Liability Insurance and GA minimum Comprehensive Insurance in force at the time they were listed. However, Randall Pros only confirms these licenses and insurances each year thereafter via a renewed verbal agreement with the contractor/company, we do not request documents to be sent after the first year.
References throughout Randall Pros website to a contractor's business, products and services, are provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. Randall Pros is not responsible for any action or omission to act by any contractor or any contractual breach or any other claim of any nature that may arise if a customer engages a contractor(s).
Randall Pros receives no compensation or fees from the contractors listed and is not a part of any contractor's business; the sole relationship is that Randall Brothers sells building materials to the contractors and additionally Randall Pros is simply an online gateway to introduce a homeowner to a listed contractor. Randall Pros highly recommends that you check with your local licensing or business board for up to date and accurate information.
By utilizing the Randall Pros website, you are acknowledging your acceptance of this disclaimer which applies to all contractors, businesses, advertisements and web pages found throughout RandallPros.com as well as any and all of our linked pages. If you do not agree with any portion of our disclaimer listed here, do not use this website, or any of the services offered on it.

Testimonials From Happy Customers:
"With Randall Pros, we found a great contractor who understood our needs, as well as our concerns. They also worked within our budget. We will definitely recommend Randall Pros to all our friends!"
"I had no idea what to ask when looking for a contractor to add a room addition to my house. The information on Randall Pros made it effortless. I couldn't be happier with the contractor we used from Randall Pros."
"My husband and I wanted to remodel our basement and create a natural flow to a new outdoor living area. We found a great Randall Pros contractor, and the Randall Brothers sales staff helped us all along the way!"